

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Friday, May 17, 2024

U.S. aircraft carriers and the ILLUSION of global dominance

Kamikaze + Aircraft Carrier = Sunk

America is being "protected" by World War II technology: a navy of surface ships and expensive tanks that make easy targets for modern missile systems.

But even in World War II our navy ships were being sunk by the dozen. The U.S. Navy is good to bully small helpless nations. Against a modern navy our ships are scrap metal.


More at Natural News

The Aircraft Carrier USS St. Lo

Sunk by Japanese kamikaze aircraft on 25 October 1944 in the Battle of Leyte Gulf.  A total of 57 ships were sunk by Japanese kamikazes including 3 aircraft carriers and 14 destroyers.  Some 368 other ships were damaged.  About 4,900 sailors were killed and over 4,800 wounded.
Call me crazy, but if an aircraft carrier can be sunk by a "primitive" propeller driven fighter plane one has to ask how long these ultra-expensive ships will remain afloat in an age of modern missile technology or jet fighters piloted by Muslim suicide bombers.

Ka Boom Goes The Surface Navy Target ship hit by two P-270 Moskit (NATO: SS-N-22 Sunburn) anti-ship missiles during Russian Navy Pacific Fleet exercises.


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