

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Friday, July 7, 2023

Consumers Panic Search "Pawn Shop Near Me"

'Something Just Snapped'

  • Google searches for local pawn stores go off the charts as Americans go deep into debt and take a 2nd job to keep a roof over their heads.

(Zerohedge)  Cash-strapped Americans are panic-searching "pawn shop near me." The search trend spiked to a record high at the start of July and is an ominous sign the consumer might be pawning items or selling things that were possibly bought during the Covid boom to raise quick money amid the worst inflation storm in a generation. 

Let's begin by analyzing Google search data for "pawn shop near me." The search trend started surging in January and exploded higher in the last few months to record highs just days ago. 

Interest in the search trend is nationwide. Some of the most interest is in the Deep South.

Google provides related search trends that are all in "breakout" territory, including "pawn shop," "open pawn shop near me," "pawn shop open," and "cash pawn shop near me." 

Perhaps 'Bidenomics' isn't working. Consumers, who've endured more than two years of negative real wage growth while depleting savings and racking up record amounts of credit card debt in the highest interest rate in a generation, are tapping new lifelines by panic selling items for cash. Think about all those stay-at-home purchases consumers made during the pandemic...


Original version of the Hobo song BIG ROCK CANDY MOUNTAINS, written and sung by the chronicler of American hobo songs, Harry "Mac" McClintock. This was recorded in 1928. Lots of hobo slang in this tune. Check it out online and see what he's singing about.

Marxist Democrats Want 
Permanent Great Depression

While "Conservative" Republicans eagerly sell their souls and U.S. jobs to China.

No matter who wins our phony "elections" the Little Guy Gets Fucked

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