

"There is danger from all men. The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with
power to endanger the public liberty." - - - - John Adams

Friday, May 2, 2014

Bush says Bush should run for President

No More Fucking RINOs
  • Daddy "no new taxes" Bush lied to the GOP and the American people and increased taxes.
  • Sonny boy Bush created the unconstitutional NSA-CIA Police State with the Patriot Act, spent money like a mad man, ran up the national debt and ran two insane wars.
  • Now the big government GOP Establishment is beating the Bush drum yet again.

“I hope Jeb runs. I think he would be a great president," George W. Bush said in an interview on CNN’s “The Lead with Jake Tapper. ”I have no clue what's on his mind. And we'll talk when he's ready,”

“I'm also pretty confident he won't be making any definitive decision until after the 2014 elections. It's probably right about this time next year, I would guess,” he said.

Tapper pointed out former Gov. Jeb Bush (R-Fla.) has been doing well in 2016 presidential polls.

“That don’t mean anything for him,” the former president said. “I can guarantee he's not looking at a poll to decide whether or not he wants to run.”

“He’s checking his core,” Bush added, explaining that his brother is aware of the effects a presidential run has on family.

The 43rd president also touted his brother’s qualifications: he’s been an “effective” chief executive of a big state, Bush said, and he could reach out to voters disenchanted with the Republican Party.

“I'm confident he can reach out to people that may at this point feel like the Republican Party doesn't listen to them,” Bush said.

Read more:  The Hill

Just Fucking Kill Me Now!
If this is what 2016 looks like then just kill me now
or buy me a one-way ticket to Australia.

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